

The Center is called Núcleo de Pesquisa Clínica do Rio Grande do Sul and it aims to care for outpatients and develop Clinical Research. It is located at Rua Mostardeiro number 5 unit 310 – Bairro Moinhos de Vento with an overall area of 467 m2. The physical structure area of the Center was specifically planned for outpatients and to conduct clinical studies. Nowadays the entire area of the Center is electronically monitored, with limited access, internet, telephone system and anti fire system.

Sobre o NPCRS

Regarding the NPCRS

Center infrastructure

  • Large waiting room;
  • Office;
  • Three consulting rooms equipped for patient care. The consulting rooms have balances, anthropometric scales, thermometers and sphygmomanometers certified by IMETRO.
  • Room for the collection and processing of biological material and preparation for shipping. In this room there are two bathrooms available for the patients and for the collection of material;
  • Procedure room (ECG, EEG, others). Equipped with ECG, EEG machines;
  • Pharmacy with restricted access with (refrigerators +2º to +8º C) and controlled temperature with continuous recording and anti-power outage system, with a distantly monitored temperature alert. Freezer (-20 o C). Cabinets for medication at room temperature. All with individual keys. Continuous temperature and humidity control.;
  • Monitoring room with a capability to serve 6 monitors simultaneously;
  • Pantry for the Center team;
  • Support area for the patient, for resting, completing question forms and
  • Area of support to the coordinators with files and storage of material;
  • Infusion area for medication under supervision;
  • Cart equipped to attend medical emergencies;
  • Meeting room for ten persons with audio and video conference equipment;
  • Meeting room for common group use in the building where the Center is located, which can be used by scheduling. Used to train the professional team and for meetings with groups of patients.
Sobre o NPCRS

Professional Team

The central core of professionals involved in clinical research is formed by physician(s), coordinator(s), collector, receptionists and an administrator.

The team of investigators has experience in the development of Clinical Research since 2002. Besides these professionals the Center is in partnership with other services such as clinical pathology laboratories, imaging labs, and with other medical professionals.

Technical Director of NPCRS

Dr Adriana Marques Valenti
CRM (Regional Council of Medicine): nr.29379


It is a center of reference on clinical research in Brazil thanks to the quality and reliability of our work.


To achieve excellence, with ethics and professionalism, providing reliable and quality data, and ensuring the safety of our participants.


Morals and ethics
Valuing life
Professional qualification